Charlie, a native Coloradan, belongs to a vibrant family of eight siblings, proudly assuming the role of the eldest. His formative years at Littleton High School were marked by an unwavering dedication to sports, excelling in hockey, golf, lacrosse, football, and baseball. Driven by a passion for athletics and personal growth, Charlie earned his Economics degree from Metropolitan State University of Denver.
In 2021, Charlie made a career transition, leveraging his financial planning expertise in wealth management to join High Country Search Group’s Staffing Division as a determined Staffing Manager. Fueled by his dynamic personality, competitive drive, and genuine commitment to understanding individuals’ aspirations, he remains inspired to connect Denver’s finest talents with unparalleled opportunities. Beyond the office walls, Charlie cherishes his professional journey while also finding joy in family hangouts, casting lines while fly fishing on Colorado or Wyoming rivers, or honing his skills on the captivating greens of the golf course.